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Oak Park and River Forest HS

Head Coach’s Name: Paul Collins
2019-2020 dual record (overall, conference):
Overall Dual Record:
WSC Record: 6-1 Conference Champs
Notable 2019-2020 tournament results:
1st Place @Rex Whitlatch Tournament
4th Place @Flavin Dual Tournament
11th Place @Doc B Invitational (Fresno, CA)
1st Place @Huskie Invite
Regional Champions

Top Returning Wrestlers

Wrestler’s Name (First & Last) Grade Predicted Weight Previous state results
Jalen Dunson 11 120 State Qualifier

Key Seniors Lost to Graduation

Wrestler’s Name (First & Last) Weight Previous Accomplishments
Jake Rundell 126 2018 State Champion; 2020 3rd Place State Placer
Nico Bolivar 132 2019 State 5th Place
Joshua Ogunsanya 145 3x State Qualifier; 2019 State 4th Place; 2020 State Champion
Joe Chapman 152 3x State Placer: 2018 6th; 2019 4th, 2020 3rd
Danny Lingen 182 State Qualifier
Daemyen Middlebrooks 195 3x State Qualifier; 2x State Placer; 2019 6th; 2020 3rd
Fabian Gonzalez HWT State Qualifier

2020-2021 Outlook

Keys to success in the 2020-21 season:
Wrestlers and coaches continuing to develop their technique, effort, and purpose. This has been a trying year for everyone and it would be great to get the whole team back together scrapping for one another.
Concerns about the lineup or challenges for the team this season:
The biggest challenge will be ensuring the safety of all the wrestlers and coaches for this upcoming season. Whether we have duals-only or are allowed a state series at the end of the year, everyone will have to do their part for us to be successful. As for the wrestling part, the expectations are still the same: to outwork, out-pace, and have the young men on our team wrestle with gratitude and purpose.
Coach’s quote on overall thoughts about the team:
This group of seniors has been working tirelessly for the past four years. They are becoming the leaders we expect from our seniors. This is going to be a trying year and we feel very confident that our leaders will help maintain focus within our program.
Coach’s quote on expectations for this year’s team:
Our expectations are the same every year and even with the different circumstances this year, we will expect our wrestlers to train and compete Huskie Style. We look forward to competitive duals and any type of individual season we can have.

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